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GABRIELLA JORGE-ESCUDERO, Autor ; MARIANA PÉREZ POLANCO, Autor ; JAN ERLAND LAGERLÖF, Autor ; CARLOS ALBERTO PÉREZ, Autor ; DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor | 2022The ecosystem services provided by earthworms are lost when land management reduces their populations, hence, the importance of thorough assessments of management effects on this group. The present study aimed to: (1) review the possible influen[...]![]()
Article : documento electrónico
ARCIA, PATRICIA, Autor ; MARTÍN LÓPEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Autor ; BILLIRIS, ALEJANDRA, Autor ; GIANCARLA TRESSO, Autor ; SUBURÚ, GABRIELA, Autor ; CAROLINA LUZARDO, Autor ; MARÍA VICTORIA FIGUEREDO, Autor ; MARÍA NOEL SANGUINETTI, Autor ; JOSÉ TERRA, Autor ; FERNANDO PÉREZ DE VIDA, Autor ; GONNET, DANIEL, Autor ; URAGA, RAUL, Autor |Se detalla el trabajo realizado en el marco del proyecto financiado por ANII: Red tecnológica del arroz: articulando producción, calidad y mercados y potenciando la sinergia de la cadena agroindustrial. En el proyecto participaron LATU, Latitud,[...]![]()
documento electrónico
CURUTCHET, ANA, Autor ; TRIAS, JULIETA, Autor ; AMPARO TÁRREGA, Autor ; ARCIA, PATRICIA, Autor | 2021The use of apple pomace flour (APF) as a fibre enrichment strategy was investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate consumers’ response to intrinsic and extrinsic properties of a bakery premix product when using APF. Apple pomace, a by-p[...]![]()
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GONZALO MARTÍNEZ CROSA, Autor ; SILVIA BÖTHIG, Autor ; SEBASTIÁN OVIEDO, Autor ; PATRICIA ESCUDERO, Autor | 2023Uruguay trabaja en pos de un nuevo proyecto interinstitucional en el marco de la cooperación bilateral existente entre el Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca (MGAP) y el Ministerio Federal de Alimentación y Agricultura (BMEL) de la Repú[...]![]()
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LUCÍA DORA GRILLE PEÉS, Autor ; ESCOBAR, DANIELA, Autor ; MARÍA NOEL MÉNDEZ, Autor ; MARÍA DE LOURDES ADRIEN, Autor ; LAURA OLAZÁBAL, Autor ; VÍCTOR RODRÍGUEZ, Autor ; PELAGGIO ETTLIN, RONNY, Autor ; PABLO CHILIBROSTE, Autor ; MEIKLE, ANA, Autor ; JUAN P. DAMIÁN, Autor | 2023Pasture-based systems have advantages compared to confined systems, such as a higher proportion of beneficial milk fatty acids for their consumers. However, in mixed systems (grazing + total mixed ration), cows are more exposed to external clima[...]![]()
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CLAUDIA PÉREZ PIROTTO, Autor ; COZZANO, SONIA , Autor ; HERNANDO, ISABEL, Autor ; ARCIA, PATRICIA, Autor | 2022The aim of this work was to extract soluble dietary fibre from orange by-product, by testing four different green (non-contaminant, solvent free) extraction technologies: hot water (HW), extrusion + hot water (EHW), jet cooker (JC) and jet cooke[...]![]()
documento electrónico
SOWMYA SRI NAGARAJA, Autor ; YERIMMA GOUDA, Autor ; DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor ; YUVASHREE MURALIDARAN, Autor ; LUIZ FERNANDO ROMANHOLO FERREIRA, Autor ; JULIANA HELOISA PINÊ AMÉRICO-PINHEIRO, Autor ; SIKANDAR I. MULLA, Autor ; PRABHAKAR MISHRA, Autor | 2024The widespread application of plastics and its eventual degradation to micro-sized or nano-sized plastics has led to several environmental concerns. Moreover, nanoplastics can easily cascade through the food chain accumulating in the aquatic org[...]![]()
documento electrónico
SHOUMI HALDAR, Autor ; YUVASHREE MURALIDARAN, Autor ; DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor ; SIKANDAR I. MULLA, Autor ; PRABHAKAR MISHRA, Autor | 2023In the current scenario, plastic pollution has become one of the serious environmental hazard problems due to its improper handling and insufficiency in degradation. Nanoplastics (NPs) are formed when plastic fragments are subjected to ultraviol[...]![]()
documento electrónico
ARCIA, PATRICIA, Autor ; HERNANDO, ISABEL, Autor | 2022There are currently a number of factors that prompt us to question or rethink our food systems (Eames-Sheavly et al., 2011): rapid population growth; disparity in access to nutrients, due to a lack or an inadequate balance of them; changes in co[...]![]()
Article : documento electrónico
LAURA GARCÍA-LLOBODANIN, Autor ; NATALIA PONCE DE LEÓN, Autor ; SEBASTIÁN MOREIRA, Autor ; BILLIRIS, ALEJANDRA, Autor |La temperatura de transición vítrea (Tg) de un material es el rango de tempe-raturas donde ocurre la transición entre un estado cauchoso y un estado vítreo, produciéndose cambios que se ven reflejados en sus propiedades fisicoquímicas. El objeti[...]![]()
documento electrónico
CURUTCHET, ANA, Autor ; MAITE SERRANTES, Autor ; CAROLINA PONTET, Autor ; FÁTIMA PRISCO, Autor ; ARCIA, PATRICIA, Autor ; GABRIEL BARG, Autor ; JUAN ANDRÉS MENÉNDEZ, Autor ; MATÍAS MIGUEZ, Autor | 2022Brewer’s spent grain (BSG) has been commonly considered as only a waste product, but recent research on its composition has shown that it can be a functional ingredient. The aim of this study was to analyze consumers’ attitude toward different B[...]![]()
documento electrónico
ESCOBAR, DANIELA, Autor ; SANTIAGO JORCÍN, Autor ; LEMA, PATRICIA, Autor ; ALEJANDRA MEDRANO, Autor ; TOMÁS LÓPEZ PEDEMONTE, Autor ; LAURA OLAZÁBAL, Autor | Latitud - Fundación LATU | 2020The aim of this work was to study the combined effect of ultra-high pressure homogenization (UHPH) and β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) on cholesterol removal from bovine raw milk. Whole raw milk (3.87% ± 0.49% fat) was submitted to UHPH (0, 100, 200,and 3[...]![]()
documento electrónico
GIANNINA BRUGNINI, Autor ; JESICA RODRÍGUEZ, Autor ; SOLEDAD RODRÍGUEZ, Autor ; INÉS MARTÍNEZ, Autor ; PELAGGIO ETTLIN, RONNY, Autor ; CATERINA RUFO, Autor | 2024The effect of fermentation and drying temperatures, caliber, and sodium lactate on Listeria monocytogenes inactivation was studied in salami, produced in a pilot scale, inoculated with 107 CFU/g of Listeria innocua ATCC® 33090 as a surrogate mic[...]![]()
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documento electrónico
FLORENCIA CEBREIROS, Autor ; FLORENCIA RISSO, Autor ; MATÍAS CAGNO, Autor ; MARÍA NOEL CABRERA, Autor ; ELOISA ROCHÓN, Autor ; GUILLERMO JAUREGUI, Autor ; ELZEARIO BOIX, Autor ; SILVIA BÖTHIG, Autor ; MARIO DANIEL FERRARI, Autor ; CLAUDIA LAREO, Autor | Latitud - Fundación LATU | 2021In this work, the co-production of xylosaccharides and butanol from Eucalyptus grandis wood using steam explosion pretreatment in a biorefinery platform was investigated. The effect of different temperature conditions on xylosaccharide productio[...]