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BRODY, AARON L., Autor ; EUGENE. R STRUPINSKY, Autor ; LAURI R. KLINE, Autor | Boca Raton [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : CRC Press | 2001Active packaging, sometimes referred to as interactive or “smart” packaging, is intended to sense internal or external environmental change and to respond by changing its own properties or attributes and hence the internal package environment. A[...]documento electrónico
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Increasing consumer demand for microbiologically safer foods, greater convenience, smaller packages, and longer product shelf life is forcing the industry to develop new food-processing, cooking, handling, and packaging strategies. Nonfluid read[...]texto impreso
VAZ DE FARIA, ELIETE, Autor ; TONDELLA DANTAS, SILVIA, Autor ; ALMEIDA ANJOS, VALERIA D., Autor | San Pablo [BRASIL] : CETEA | 1993texto impreso
SACHAROW, STANLEY, Autor ; GRIFFIN, ROGER C., Autor | Massachusetts [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : Cahners Books | Charners Practical Plastics Series | 1973texto impreso
This book describes the properties, manufacturing processes, function, and design of wood, paper, paperboard and corrugated fiberboard as packaging materials. Its complete and illustrated section on the history of packaging is enlightening and u[...]texto impreso
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The materials most used for food packaging are the petrochemical-based polymers, due to their availability in large quantities at low cost and favourable functionality characteristics, such as, good tensile and tear strength, good barrier prope[...]documento electrónico
MONTAÑEZ, RODOLFO, Autor ; SILVEIRA, JAVIER, Autor | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | 2007Para mejorar la competitividad de la miel de exportación se decidió caracterizarla. Este proyecto fue concretado por 2 grupos de exportadores uruguayos, la Dirección Nacional de Artesanías, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (DINAPYME) y LATU. Ellos q[...]texto impreso
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Antimicrobial films appear in response of the searching for more competitive and aggregated value packaging. With the aim of developing packages that, besides active are also biodegradable, this work proposes to study the effect of antimicrobial[...]texto impreso
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Soft farmhouse cheeses made from pasteurized milk and having high moisture content are common craft products in various countries, including Ireland. These cheeses have limited shelf-life, approximately 4 weeks when stored at 4 °C, in most cases[...]texto impreso
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DELGADO, ALFREDO, Autor | 2007La calidad de nuestros productos va mucho más allá del final de la línea de producción. Debemos asegurar que nuestro producto llegue con la misma calidad a manos del consumidor.documento electrónico
STOTZ, FERNANDO, Autor ; MONTAÑEZ, RODOLFO, Autor | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | Monografías tecnológicas. Serie embalaje | 1979Este estudio presenta los principales factores que afectan la resistencia a la compresión de cajas de cartón corrugado destinadas a contener productos frágiles. En estos casos la resistencia a la compresión debe ser aportada totalmente por el en[...]documento electrónico
STOTZ, FERNANDO, Autor ; MONTAÑEZ, RODOLFO, Autor | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | Monografías tecnológicas. Serie embalaje | 1980Este estudio introduce diversas técnicas relacionadas con la utilización de materiales en embalajes de transporte. Con el uso de las mismas se simplifica la elección de la alternativa que mejores propiedades posea para una aplicación dada. Para [...]texto impreso
BORTHAGARAY, MARIA, Autor ; PICA, LETICIA ; CURUTCHET, ANA ; FERREIRA, ELIZABETH ; MAQUIEIRA, ANA MARIA ; INÉS MARTÍNEZ ; TORRENDELL, MARIA | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | 2007Milk is frequently sold in UHT boxes, or polyethylene sachets at low temperature (aprox. 4ºC). The aseptic packaging system tested in this work (EVOH barriers) showed, that milk shelf life can be extended for five months at room temperature in [...]texto impreso
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FAN XUETONG, Editor científico ; CHRISTOPHER H. SOMMERS, Editor científico | Iowa [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : Wiley-Blackwell | 2013The benefits of food irradiation to the public health have been described extensively by organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA and the World Health Organization. The American Medical Association and the [...]texto impreso is published by Decision News Media, a business-to-business publisher that supplies strategically relevant news directly to the desktops of decision-makers in the science, cosmetics and food industries. The group runs innov[...]texto impreso
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DAVID S. ROBINSON, Editor científico ; ESKIN, N. A. MICHAEL, Autor | Boca Raton [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : CRC Press | 2001Water is the most important diluent of water soluble food components and plasticizer (softener) of various water miscible polymeric compounds as well as often the main food component. Chemical reactions, enzymatic changes, and microbial growth m[...]texto impreso
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DA-WEN SUN, Editor científico | Boca Raton [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : CRC Press | Food Science and Technology | 2006Discusses quality and safety issues for each frozen food category in individual chapters, ensuring comprehensive coverage Covers fundamental aspects of freezing such as glass transition, microbiology of frozen foods, thermophysical properties, [...]texto impreso
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LATU (Montevideo, URUGUAY), Autor ; LATITUD, FUNDACIÓN LATU (Montevideo, URUGUAY), Autor | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | 2019Innova es el Simposio Internacional de Innovación y Desarrollo de Alimentos, de carácter bienal, organizado por el LATU desde 2004 y por Latitud, Fundación LATU, desde 2017. Como evento científico referente en ciencia y tecnología de alimentos e[...]documento electrónico
Innova es el Simposio Internacional de Innovación y Desarrollo de Alimentos, de carácter bienal, organizado por el LATU desde 2004 y por Latitud, Fundación LATU, desde 2017. Como evento científico referente en ciencia y tecnología de alimentos e[...]texto impreso
Historically, the purpose of food packaging was simply to contain foods, protect them from the environment, and aid in food preservation. Current innovative food packaging systems ensure better protection of foods as well as efficient quality pr[...]texto impreso
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Lechner's comprehensive 4 language dictionary : paper, plastics, aluminum foil, and converting terms
With the growth of international trade, it is helpful for those in packaging to know the precise translations of words related to packaging materials and conversion processes. This is a handy glossary of technical terms in the four languages mos[...]texto impreso
CCI, Autor ; UNCTAD, Autor ; OMC, Autor | Ginebra [SUIZA] : Centro de Comercio Internacional | Servicios de Apoyo al Comercio | 1997Esta guía explica como embalar los muebles para que pasen en buen estado desde el fabricante hasta el cliente final, examina los daños a que están expuestos los diferentes tipos de muebles y sus causas; describe las normas de embalaje exigidas p[...]texto impreso
ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DO PAPELÃO ONDULADO. GRUPO DE TRABALHO PARA ASSUNTOS TECNICOS DO PAPELAO ONDULADO | San Pablo [BRASIL] : ABPO | 2007Este material tiene como objetivo uniformizar los criterios a ser seguidos en la fabricación, control de calidad y en la utilización del embalaje hortifrutícolatexto impreso
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El creciente comercio internacional ha determinado un aumento en la demanda de toda clase de materiales de embalaje y soporte para distintas mercaderías.También la industria genera contínuas necesidades de envases para pequeños productos , hasta[...]texto impreso
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This work aimed to develop an edible antimicrobial coating based on a starch–chitosan matrix to evaluate its effect on minimally processed carrot by means of microbiological analyses. Coatings based on 4% yam starch (w/w) + 2% glycerol (w/w) and[...]texto impreso
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GUILBERT, S., Autor ; GONTARD, NATHALIE, AutorSince the 1980s, research programs on high value materials based on renewable resources have boomed as a result of a larger demand for packaging materials with better environmental balance and/or new original properties such as biodegradability,[...]texto impreso
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In 1988 we published Corrugated shipping containers: an engineering approach, wich has been very well received by the industry. In preparing that volume we realized that much practical and useful knowledge could not be included. To make up for t[...]texto impreso
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GRIFFIN, ROGER C., Autor ; SACHAROW, STANLEY, Autor | Connecticut [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : The AVI Publishing Company, Inc | 1972texto impreso
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The improvement of the safety and quality of minimally processed foods is of major interest to both the consumer and the food industry and is the topic of an EU-sponsored research project with nine international partners. The project optimizes e[...]texto impreso
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ASTM. COMMITTEE D10 ON PACKAGING SUBCOMMITTEE D10.22 ON PHYSICAL TEST METHODS | Philadelphia [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : ASTMEleven Laboratories conducted round robin tests of stacking strength of corrugated containers for Subcommittee VII of ASTM Commitee D-10. Stacking strength was determined from measurements of compressive strength of 200 lb test C-fluted RSC spec[...]texto impreso
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Research and development of antimicrobial materials for food applications such as packaging and other food contact surfaces is expected to grow in the next decade with the advent of new polymer materials and antimicrobials. This article reviews [...]texto impreso
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TAPPI Standards are normally updated a minimum of twice a year, following one of the meetings of the Standards Advisory Review Group (SARG). The SARG is the final approval stage on a new or revised method, so groups of revisions will be added to[...]documento electrónico
TAPPI Standards are normally updated a minimum of twice a year, following one of the meetings of the Standards Advisory Review Group (SARG). The SARG is the final approval stage on a new or revised method, so groups of revisions will be added to[...]texto impreso
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These instructions prescribe the detailed requirements applicable to the international civil transport of dangerous goods by air.texto impreso
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The complete guide to modern packaging techniques and materials–updated and expanded This A–to–Z guide covers technologies used to package consumer and industrial products across all industries–from food to automobiles, soft drinks to pharmaceu[...]texto impreso
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The water vapor (WVP) and oxygen (O2P) permeabilities of beeswax (BW), candelilla wax (CnW), carnauba wax (CrW) and microcrystalline wax (MW), formed as freestanding films, were determined. CnW and CrW both had small values for O2P (0.29 and 0.2[...]