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En junio del año 2008 se constituye el Gabinete Productivo con el objetivo de mejorar la estructura productiva del país, para lograr un crecimiento económico sustentable con justicia social. Para la primera etapa se seleccionaron ocho cadenas pr[...]![]()
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PIÑEIRO, MAYA ; BOGA, BEATRIZ ; GIRIBONE, A. G. ; SILVA, GABRIELA E. | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | 1994Los objetivos de este estudio fueron determinar la capacidad toxicogénica de cepas fúngicas , contaminantes naturales, aisladas de trigo, cebada y arroz, zafras 92-94, identificar sus quimiotipos ye evaluar las diferencias en la producción de to[...]![]()
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Los extendedores son agregados comunmente a las mezclas adhesivas para madera contrachapada para mejorar las propiedades de los paneles y bajar los costos. Este proyecto fué realizado para determinar el efecto sobre las propiedades mecánicas en [...]![]()
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SERNA-SALDIVAR, SERGIO O., Autor | Washington [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : CRC Press | Food Preservation Technology Series | 2012Emphasizing the essential principles underlying the preparation of cereal-based products and demonstrating the roles of ingredients, Cereal Grains: Laboratory Reference and Procedures Manual is a practical laboratory manual complementing the aut[...]![]()
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SERNA-SALDIVAR, SERGIO O. | Washington [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : CRC Press | Food Preservation Technology Series | 2010While cereals remain the world’s largest food yield – with more than 2.3 billion metric tons produced annually – consumer demands are on the rise for healthier cereal products with greater nutrition. Cereal Grains: Properties, Processing, and Nu[...]![]()
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HAMEEDABANU N. ITAGI, Autor ; B.V. SATHYENDRA RAO, Autor ; A. JAYADEEP, Autor ; VASUDEVA SINGH, AutorMaize, pearl millet, barley, sorghum, wheat, oats and rice were hydrated and hydrothermally treated at different conditions and flaked in a roller flaker. Maize showed highest amylose content (~ 29%) and wheat had least amylose content (20%). Ma[...]![]()
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GERMAN, SILVIA, Editor científico ; LUIZZI, DOMINGO, Editor científico | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : INIA | 2018![]()
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ROBERTO PUENTES, Autor ; ALCARRAZ, LUCIA, Autor ; TORRES, MARINA, Autor ; TORRE, ALEJANDRA, Autor | 2015En los últimos tiempos, la legislación para residuos de plaguicidas se ha vuelto cada vez más exigente, lo que ha llevado a la necesidad de llegar a límites máximos de residuos menores (MRLs). Los cereales son un alimento que se encuentra en la [...]![]()
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RONALD BICSAK, Autor ; BOLES, R., Colaborador ; CATHEY, R., Colaborador ; COLLINS, V., Colaborador ; HANNASIOUS, K., Colaborador ; HASELHORST, J., Colaborador ; HENDERSON, L., Colaborador ; JANN, L., Colaborador ; MESCHI, L., Colaborador ; MOLLOY, R., Colaborador ; STILLIONS, M., Colaborador ; SWANSON, K., Colaborador ; TATE, D., Colaborador ; WEBB, J., Colaborador ; WILKINS, G., Colaborador |Seven laboratories participated in a collaborative study to extend the applicability of the AOAC generic combustion method for determination of crude protein in animal feed (990.03) to include determination in cereal grains and oilseeds. In the [...]![]()
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PIÑEIRO, MAYA ; BOGA, BEATRIZ | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | 1993Gran parte de la cosecha de cereales uruguayos se destina a alimentación humana. Estos granos son muy propensos a la contaminación fúngica y dadas las condiciones adecuadas de nuestro clima, se desarrollan cepas toxicogénicas que pueden producir[...]![]()
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Determinación de celulosa en arroz![]()
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SOSULSKI, F. W., Autor ; ZHENG, G. H., Autor |A procedure for determination of net syneresis in starch and flour materials was developed based on free water in freshly cooked pastes, syneresis water expelled during cold storage and absorbed water in the contracted gel. Palabras Clave: free[...]![]()
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DONALD B. BROOKER, Autor ; FRED W. BAKKER ARKEMA, Autor ; CARL W. HALL, Autor | New York [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : Van Nostrand Reinhold | 1992This text and reference discusses the drying of grains, in particular the staple cereals, maize, rice, and wheat, and the oilseeds, soybeans and canola. The basic physical and thermodynamic properties of grain and air are examined, and the theor[...]![]()
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DEVIN J ROSE, Autor ; LYNN V OGDEN, Autor ; MICHAEL L DUNN, Autor ; OSCAR A PIKE, AutorThe purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of dry heat, steam, and microwave treatments in decreasing lipase activity, while retaining antioxidant activity, to stabilize whole wheat flour against lipid degradation during storag[...]![]()
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Ergot alkaloids produced by Claviceps on forage grasses (tall fescue, ryegrass) and cereal grains are widespread in Uruguay. Climatix conditions are ideal for sclerotia development, alternating periods of humidity during germination with windy a[...]![]()
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PIÑEIRO, MAYA ; SILVA, GABRIELA E. | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | 1997Wheat and maize rank second and third in area and production among the developing world's basic foods. Together they provide about one fourth of the calories consumed in low income countries. Fusarium spp invades grain commodities in the field a[...]![]()
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For all contracts incorporating the terms and conditions of the Grain & Feed Trade Association (GAFTA), analyses tests shall be carried out in accordance with the following methods listed in these Rules: Analysis Methods. This are the Methods pr[...]![]()
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LORENZ, KLAUS J., Autor ; KULP, KAREL, Autor | Boca Raton [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : CRC Press | Food Science and Technology | 1991![]()
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This method is envisaged for the determination of crude protein content in cereals and cereals products![]()
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PEREYRA, SILVIA ; DIAZ DE ACKERMANN, MARTHA ; STEWART, SILVINA | Colonia [URUGUAY] : INIA LA ESTANZUELA | Boletín de divulgación | 2005El objetivo de este manual es brindar a técnicos y productores una guía práctica que les permita una identificación rápida, a campo, de las enfermedades más comunes de los cereales de invierno (trigo, cebada, avena y triticale) en nuestro país.![]()
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The working principles and the theoretical background of a new method to measure the viscoelastic properties of grains during cooking and drying processes are presented. Specifically, corn grits at different processing stages of cooking and dryi[...]![]()
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El trigo es el cereal de secano más importante en el Uruguay; es cultivado por unos 2.000 productores en 200.000 hectáreas y es sustento central de la rotación agrícola ganadera del litoral oeste. Parte del grano es exportado como tal y parte es[...]![]()
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WAISSMANN, WILLIAM ; MANFRED KRAUSS, THOMAS ; BAPTISTA DE CARVALHO, VALERIA CRISTINA | Brasilia [BRASIL] : ANVISA | 2005El objetivo de este proyecto fue realizar un criterioso relevamiento bibliográfico sobre los estudios científicos relacionados a la acrilamida, con un foco principal en el abordaje toxicológico de esta sustancia, dada la hipótesis de su formació[...]![]()
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HAO FENG, Editor científico ; BORIS NEMZER, Editor científico ; DEVRIES, JONATHAN W., Autor | Oxford [REINO UNIDO] : Elsevier | 2019Sprouted Grains: Nutritional Value, Production and Applications is a complete and comprehensive overview of sprouted grains, with coverage from grain to product. Sections includes discussions on the process of grain germination from both a genet[...]![]()
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SAVITA SHARMA, Autor ; B. N. DAR, Autor ; SATINDER KAUR, Autor ; BALIJIT SINGH, AutorQuality improvement of cereal brans, a health promoting ingredient for functional foods is the emerging research concept due to their low shelf stability and presence of non-nutrient components. A study was con-ducted to evaluate the storag[...]![]()
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RODRIGUEZ, MARIA CECILIA, Autor ; SUBURÚ, GABRIELA, Autor ; TORRES, MARINA, Autor ; LAURA OLAZÁBAL, Autor ; TORRE, ALEJANDRA, Autor |Dentro INNOTEC (No. 1, dic. 2006)The rice crop is one of the most developed agricultural activities in Uruguay, having become the third item of export. Although the main product of the rice chain is the elaborated rice, in the recent years several industries have begun to produ[...]![]()
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RODRIGUEZ, MARIA CECILIA, Autor ; SUBURÚ, GABRIELA, Autor |Dentro INNOTEC (No. 1, dic. 2006)Eatable tallow is the product obtained fusing oily, from clean and healthy tissues (included the fats of clippings), and from muscles or bones adherents of bovine animals (Bos tsurus), lambs (Ovis aries) in good conditions of health in the mo[...]![]()
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ANA MARÍA ESTÉVEZ A., Autor ; BERTA ESCOBAR A, Autor ; VIVIANA UGARTE A, AutorLas barras de cereales con maní y nuez han demostrado ser alimentos tipo snack de alto aporte calórico dado por su contenido de proteínas, lípidos e hidratos de carbono y de buenas características organolépticas. Los cotiledones de algarrobo tie[...]![]()
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