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VIEITES, CARLOS M. ; GONZALEZ, OLGA M. ; ACUÑA SEERY, CLAUDIO | Buenos Aires [ARGENTINA] : Secretaría de Agricultura Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación | 2007El objetivo de este estudio es el de impulsar el desarrollo de aquellas producciones animales alternativas que se vislumbran como herramientas para el desarrollo regional, sustitución de importaciones, posibilidades de exportación y que generen [...]![]()
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Material de apoyo al curso brindado por el LATU![]()
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In this paper, spatial and temporal variations of three common microcystins (MC-RR, MC-YR, and MC-LR) in the hepatopancreas of a freshwater snail (Bellamya aeruginosa) were studied monthly in two bays of Lake Taihu. Microcystins (MCs) concentrat[...]![]()
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Tissue distributions and seasonal dynamics of the hepatotoxic microcystins-LR and -RR in a freshwater snail (Bellamya aeruginosa) were studied monthly in a large shallow, eutrophic lake of the subtropical China during June–November, 2003. Micr[...]