Article : texto impreso
Las fábricas evalúan convencionalmente la respuesta de la pulpa al refinado midiendo los cambios en las resistencias a la tracción y al desgarro de hojas manuales. Este método tradicional subsiste como una forma de arte, sujeto a posibles malint[...]![]()
texto impreso
ANDREEN, J. H., Autor ; GIBSON, J. W., Autor ; WETMORE, O. C., AutorPhysiological factors such as body surface temperature, electrical conductivity of the skin, rate of sweating, total sweat cost, and heart rate were measured as criteria for evaluating in warm and hot environments the comfort afforded human test[...]![]()
Article : texto impreso
La velocidad de circulación del licor es uno de los factores más importantes que afectan la calidad de la pulpa. Los datos obtenidos de pruebas en fábrica dan sustancia a este concepto.![]()
documento electrónico
J. RALPH BLANCHFIELD, Editor científico | Boca Raton [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : CRC Press | Woodhead Publishing Limited | 2000The development of issues in food labelling has arisen only recently and is linked to the increasing sale of food in prepackaged form. In most industrialised economies, the food manufacturing industry is highly developed and sophisticated. Food [...]![]()
documento electrónico
PETER ZEUTHEN, Editor científico ; LEIF BØGH- SØRENSEN, Autor | Boca Raton [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : CRC Press | Woodhead Publishing Limited | 2003Extending the shelf-life of foods whilst maintaining safety and quality is a critical issue for the food industry. As a result there have been major developments in food preservation techniques, which are summarised in this authoritative collect[...]![]()
documento electrónico
The ISO 22000 family of International Standards addresses food safety management. The consequences of unsafe food can be serious and ISO’s food safety management standards help organizations identify and control food safety hazards. As many of t[...]![]()
documento electrónico
DAVID S. ROBINSON, Editor científico ; ESKIN, N. A. MICHAEL, Autor | Boca Raton [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : CRC Press | 2001Water is the most important diluent of water soluble food components and plasticizer (softener) of various water miscible polymeric compounds as well as often the main food component. Chemical reactions, enzymatic changes, and microbial growth m[...]![]()
Article : texto impreso
El clivaje o hendido de la madera es un método eficiente de corte, pero usualmente queda restringido al corte de chapas de madera de productos de baja calidad tales como tablas de cercado, debido al pobre acabado superficial que se produce en lo[...]![]()
documento electrónico
Fresh-cut produce has been one of the hottest commodities in grocery stores over the past 10 years. The industry soared to over $10 billion in U.S. retail and foodservice sales in 1999, and there are no signs of the trend slowing down (IFPA, 200[...]![]()
documento electrónico
JONGEN, WIM, Editor científico | Boca Raton [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : CRC Press | Woodhead Publishing Limited | 2002Fruit and vegetables are both major food products in their own right and key ingredients in many processed foods. Consumers increasingly require food products that preserve their nutritional value, retain a natural and fresh colour, flavour and [...]![]()
Article : texto impreso
Grow rate as a predictor of density and mechanical quality of sawn timber from fast growing species.
La calidad mecánica de los tablones de madera estructural (50 x 50 x 3200 mm) es determinada por medio de las tasas de crecimiento en distintas coníferas (Pinus radiata, P. pinaster, P. sylvestris ), la mayoría de ellas especies de rápido crecim[...]![]()
Article : texto impreso
DOLDAN, JAVIER, Autor ; MACARENA GONZÁLEZ, Autor |Uruguay ha evolucionado en su estructura industrial hacia un “país forestal”, en el que los camiones con carga de madera rolliza y de otros tipos no son extraños y donde la utilización de este producto nacional en construcción y muebles se vislu[...]