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A method was devised to assay four forms of vitamin C: L-ascorbic acid (AA), dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), ascorbate-2-mono- and polyphosphate (AMP, APP), as well as ascorbate-2-monosulphate (AMS), in sample series of different fish tissues and fe[...]texto impreso
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JEAN LUC DEBORDE, Autor ; GEORGE JOSEPH, Autor ; BRAD BARRETT, Autor ; SNEH BHANDARI, Autor ; ESTHER CAMPOS-GIMÉNEZ, Autor ; FRANCE CHO, Autor ; SCOTT CHRISTIANSEN, Autor ; RAQUEL DE GUZMAN, Autor ; XIAOJUN DENG, Autor ; GILL, BRENDON D., Autor ; DONALD GILLILAND, Autor ; GREGORY HOSTETLER, Autor ; HARVEY INDYK, Autor ; GREG JAUDZEMS, Autor ; ESTELA KNEETEMAN, Autor ; STEPHEN LOCK, Autor ; ADRIENNE McMAHON, Autor ; ROBERT RANKIN, Autor ; STEVE ROYCE, Autor ; SHANE RUTHERFURD, Autor ; KAREN SCHIMPF, Autor ; PENG SHU, Autor ; CHANG SONG, Autor ; KARLA STEELE, Autor ; JOHN SZPYLKA, Autor ; TORRES, MARINA, Autor ; GUY WEERASEKERA, Autor ; JINCHUAN YANG, Autor ; GARRETT ZIELINSKI, Autor ; SCOTT COATES, Autor | 2015Intended Use: Reference Method for dispute resolution. 1 Applicability determination: of total biotin in all forms of infant, adult, and/or pediatric formula (powders, ready-to-feed liquids, and liquid concentrates). 2 Analytical technique: any [...]Article : documento electrónico
VIRGINIA FERRARI, Autor ; IBÁÑEZ, FACUNDO, Autor ; DANILO CABRERA, Autor ; BETIANA PINTADO, Autor |Accessions of native fruits from ‘Arazá’ (Psidium cattleianum), ‘Guaviyú’ (Myrcianthes pungens) and ‘Guayabo del país’ (Acca sellowiana) were evaluated as part of a selection program to obtain commercial cultivars, with the aim to offer the grow[...]Article : documento electrónico
ROMINA BERINO, Autor ; DIEGO ARMANDO PEZZELATTO, Autor ; GERMÁN DAVID BÁEZ, Autor ; EMILCE ELINA LLOPART, Autor ; GRISELDA BALLERINI, Autor ; ANDREA MORO, Autor ; NÉSTOR JORGE DELORENZI, Autor ; PABLO ANDRÉS BUSTI, Autor |Se optimizaron las condiciones para la preparación de películas biopoliméricas capaces de encapsular los valores diarios máximos recomendados de la vitamina liposoluble E (?-tc), incorporando nanocomplejos formados por la proteína láctea beta la[...]Article : documento electrónico
KEEL, KAREN, Autor ; TOSAR, JUAN PABLO, Autor ; LAIZ, JUSTO, Autor |Dentro INNOTEC (No. 5, dic. 2010)En este trabajo se presentan los resultados preliminares para el desarrollo de un biosensor amperométrico destinado a la cuantificación de Proteína B Específica de la Preñez (PSPB) en fluidos biológicos como medio de diagnóstico clínico precoz d[...]texto impreso
Determination of trace amounts of cyanocobalamin (18 ng/g) in fatty foods was performed by solid-phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with visible detection at 550 nm using a membrane filter for the precolumn separa[...]texto impreso
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Liquid chromatographic methodology for determination of vitamin C and organic acids in different fruits (whortleberry, blackberry, red currant, black currant, raspberry, babaco, feijoa, kiwano, passion fruit, red and yellow tamarillos, medlar, a[...]texto impreso
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Vitamin concentrates containing vitamin D2 and vitamin A acetate usually are prepared by dispersing in starch coated gelatin protected beadlets, or by dissolving the vitamins in oil.documento electrónico
ADRIENNE McMAHON, Autor ; S. CHRISTIANSEN, Colaborador ; F.-F. CHEE, Colaborador ; A. CHUA, Colaborador ; H. BRADDOCK, Colaborador ; B. GILL, Colaborador ; RAQUEL DE GUZMAN, Colaborador ; K. KOHLER, Colaborador ; D.P. LABITAN, Colaborador ; J. LE GRANDOIS, Colaborador ; E. MARCEAU, Colaborador ; F. MARTIN, Colaborador ; S. MENG JENSEN, Colaborador ; L. MEYER, Colaborador ; D. PIOT, Colaborador ; L. RAEL, Colaborador ; KAREN SCHIMPF, Colaborador ; M. THOMPSON, Colaborador ; TORRES, MARINA, Colaborador | 2016The main objective of the AOAC Stakeholder Panel on Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals (SPIFAN) project is to establish international consensus methods for infant formula and adult nutritionals, which will benefit intermarket supply and dispu[...]documento electrónico
TORRES, MARINA ; BALDIGA, NATALIA ; AMUEDO, VIVIANA ; TORRE, ALEJANDRA | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | 2008La Fortificación de alimentos es muy común en estos días. Nuestro país está alineado con esta tendencia y está desarrollando muchos productos nuevos fortificados. Uno de esos productos son las galletitas fortificadas. Nosotros trabajamos en un m[...]documento electrónico
MARIANA RODRÍGUEZ ARZUAGA, Autor ; ARCIA, PATRICIA, Autor ; ESCOBAR, DANIELA, Autor ; EMANUELE PIZZIGALLI, Autor ; YENNY ROSAS, Autor | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | 2017La leche de cabra presenta mayor digestibilidad, menos lactosa y colesterol, y aporta más calcio y vitamina D que la leche de vaca, lo que hace que, tanto su aún incipiente presencia en el mercado, como su imagen de alimento saludable, estén aum[...]texto impreso
The influence of coexisting fat on the extraction of tocopherols (Toc) and tocol, as an internal standard, with n-hexane after saponification was studied.texto impreso
AAMIR HUSSAIN DAR, Autor ; HARISH KUMAR SHARMA, Autor ; NAVNEET KUMAR, AutorTextural and functional attributes are the main decisive factor for acceptability and stability of the snack food in the market, whereas microstructural study is considered a powerful tool for understanding the behavior of these attributes. The [...]texto impreso
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JOHN W. FUQUAY, Editor científico ; FOX, PATRICK F., Editor científico ; McSWEENEY, P.L.H., Editor científico | Londres [GRAN BRETAÑA] : Academic Press | 2011Dairy Science includes the study of milk and milk-derived food products, examining the biological, chemical, physical, and microbiological aspects of milk itself as well as the technological (processing) aspects of the transormation of milk into[...]texto impreso
JOHN W. FUQUAY, Editor científico ; FOX, PATRICK F., Editor científico ; McSWEENEY, P.L.H., Editor científico | Londres [GRAN BRETAÑA] : Academic Press | 2011Dairy Science includes the study of milk and milk-derived food products, examining the biological, chemical, physical, and microbiological aspects of milk itself as well as the technological (processing) aspects of the transormation of milk into[...]texto impreso
JOHN W. FUQUAY, Editor científico ; FOX, PATRICK F., Editor científico ; McSWEENEY, P.L.H., Editor científico | Londres [GRAN BRETAÑA] : Academic Press | 2011Dairy Science includes the study of milk and milk-derived food products, examining the biological, chemical, physical, and microbiological aspects of milk itself as well as the technological (processing) aspects of the transormation of milk into[...]texto impreso
JOHN W. FUQUAY, Editor científico ; FOX, PATRICK F., Editor científico ; McSWEENEY, P.L.H., Editor científico | Londres [GRAN BRETAÑA] : Academic Press | 2011Dairy Science includes the study of milk and milk-derived food products, examining the biological, chemical, physical, and microbiological aspects of milk itself as well as the technological (processing) aspects of the transormation of milk into[...]texto impreso
NDAW, S., Autor ; AOUDÉ-WERNER, D. , Autor ; BERGAENTZLE, M., Autor ; HASSELMANN, C., AutorTreatment with a mixture of enzymes (a-amylase, papain and acid phosphatase) led to the release in a single step of the different forms (phosphorylated and protein-bound) of the vitamins B1, B2 and B6 present in various food samples, not supplem[...]texto impreso
An ion-pair reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the separation and simultaneous determination of thiamine HCl (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), nicotinamide, pyridoxine HCl (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin ([...]texto impreso
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The total vitamin C amount in different food and plasma samples was determined by a dual detection system, after HPLC separation, with direct detection of ascorbic acid and indirect fluorimetric detection of dehydroascorbic acid after a post-col[...]documento electrónico
El objetivo del presente trabajo experimental fue el estudio del comportamiento de distintas cepas de microorganismos al ser sometidas a condiciones de crecimiento en presencia de vitaminas, con la finalidad de observar desviaciones con respecto[...]documento electrónico
KAREN W. PHINNEY, Autor ; RIMMER, CATHERINE, Autor ; JEANICE BROWN THOMAS, Autor ; SANDER, LANE C., Autor ; SHARPLESS, KATHERINE E., Autor ; WISE, STEPHEN A., AutorVitamins are essential to human health, and dietary supplements containing vitamins are widely used by individuals hoping to ensure they have adequate intake of these important nutrients. Measurement of vitamins in nutritional formulations is ne[...]documento electrónico
PAPADOYANNIS, I. N., Autor ; TSIONI, G. K., Autor ; SAMANIDOU, V. F., Autor | 1997An automated reversed phase high performance liquid-chromatography (W-HPLC) method is described, for the simultaneous analysis of water soluble [ascorbic acid (C).nicotinic acid, nicotinamide. folic acid, cyanocobalaniine (BIZ).and riboflav[...]texto impreso
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A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method is described for a stability-indicating assay of folic acid in multivitamin preparations. This method shows excellent recovery and precision characteristics, allows the determinatio[...]texto impreso
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R. PASSMORE, Autor ; B. M. NICOL, Autor ; M. NARAYANA RAO, Autor ; G. H. BEATON, Autor ; E. M. DEMAEYER, Autor | Roma [ITALIA] : FAO | Estudios Sobre Nutrición | 1975Este manual presenta las recomendaciones específicas que sobre ingestas de nutrientes han formulado los grupos de expertos y responde al propósito de presentar un comentario escrito en un lenguaje que es de esperar sea comprensible para los admi[...]documento electrónico
CAPRA, GUSTAVO, Autor ; MARTINEZ, R., Autor ; FRADILETTI, FLORENCIA, Autor ; COZZANO, SONIA , Autor ; REPISO, LUIS, Autor ; MÁRQUEZ, ROSA, Autor ; F. IBÁÑEZ, Autor | 2013The aim of this study was to evaluate production performance, carcass characteristics and nutritive value of meat of rabbits reared under the 2 prevailing feeding strategies in Uruguay. One week after weaning, 96 purebred V line rabbits were ran[...]texto impreso
DE LEENHEER, ANDRE P., Autor ; LAMBERT, WILLY E., Autor ; VAN BOCXLAER, JAN F., Autor | Nueva York [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : Marcel Dekker | Chromatographic Science Series | 2000texto impreso
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An isocratic ion supression reversed phase method is utilized for the qualitative and quantitative determination of l-ascorbic acid in fresh fruit juices complex sample matrices. The selectivitiy of the method, when a macroreticular poly (styren[...]texto impreso
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A simplified approach involving saponification is described for situations in which this route is favoured over total lipid extraction. Sample preparation is completed in a single test-tube, within 45 min, followed by injection and quantificatio[...]texto impreso
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An automated reversed phase high performance liquidchromatography (W-HPLC) method is described, for the simultaneous analysis of water soluble [ascorbic acid (C). nicotinic acid, nicotinamide. folic acid, cyanocobalaniine (BIZ). and riboflavin ([...]texto impreso
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ÚRSULA WOLWER-RIECK, Autor | 2012The plant Stevia rebaudiana is well-known due to the sweet-tasting ent-kaurene diterpenoid glycosides. Stevioside and rebaudioside A are the most abundant and best analyzed, but more than 30 additional steviol glycosides have been described in t[...]texto impreso
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A method has been developed which provides a simple, rapid and accurate spectrophotometric estimation of the vitamin A content in fortified whole milk powder products. Results show at least the same accuracy as those obtained using the more soph[...]texto impreso
Este libro contiene información sobre la composición del tomate, estándares para los productos del tomate como enlatados, jugo, pasta, puré, ketchup y salsas, métodos de análisis y consideraciones de calidad.Article : documento electrónico
IGNACIO ANDRÉS MACHADO MONTES, Autor ; FLORENCIA TISSOT, Autor ; VALERY BÜHL, Autor ; JESSICA SANTANDER, Autor ; LUCÍA DEL PILAR FALCHI CASTELL, Autor ; JESSICA CHAMBÓN, Autor |Dentro INNOTEC (17, ene.-jun. 2019)Moringa stenopetala es una gran fuente de nutrientes utilizada para alimentación humana y animal. Este hecho inspiró el estudio de su composición química en lo que respecta al contenido de minerales y vitamina C. Las determinaciones analíticas d[...]documento electrónico
BLANCA LOZANO, Autor ; CASTELLOTE, ANA ISABEL, Autor ; ROSA MONTES, Autor ; LOPEZ SABATER, M. CARMEN, Autor | 2014Although freezing is the most common method used to preserve human milk, nutritional and immunological components may be lost during storage. Freeze-drying could increase the shelf life of human milk, while preserving its original characteristic[...]