
Article : documento electrónico
LEANDRO BERGAMINO, Autor ; ADRIANA TUDURI, Autor ; CAROLINA BUENO, Autor ; ERNESTO BRUGNOLI, Autor ; LUCIANO VALENZUELA, Autor ; ANA MARTÍNEZ, Autor ; LAURA PEREZ BECOÑA, Autor ; FABRIZIO SCARABINO, Autor ; FELIPE GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, Autor |El análisis de isótopos estables en sedimentos, vegetales y animales representa una herramienta de importancia para estudios ecológicos, reconstrucciones paleoclimáticas y paleoambientales. Con base en la diferenciación isotópica entre productor[...]![]()
documento electrónico
WHITE, JONATHAN W., AutorA recently described method for determining free lactone and total acidity of honey was studied collaboratively in comparison with the official method (Official methods of analysis, 9th ed., 1960, sec. 29.131). Three samples of honey were select[...]![]()
Article : documento electrónico
MOISÉS KNOCHEN PRIMO, Autor ; GUILLERMO ROTH, Autor ; GONZÁLEZ, PABLO, Autor ; NICOLÁS PÉREZ, Autor ; PABLO MONZÓN, Autor ; MARIANA DEL CASTILLO, Autor |Dentro INNOTEC (17, ene.-jun. 2019)Se describe un prototipo de analizador automatizado de bajo costo capaz de operar in situ junto a un cuerpo de agua realizando la determinación analítica de los niveles de fósforo (ortofosfato) y nitrógeno (nitrato+nitrito), así como pH y temper[...]![]()
texto impreso
C. D. LITCHFIELD, Editor científico ; P. L. SEYFRIED, Editor científico | Philadelphia [ESTADOS UNIDOS] : ASTM | 1978The symposium on Methodology for Biomass Determinations and Microbial Activities in Sediments was held in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., 30 and 31 Jan. 1978. ASTM Committee D19 on Water sponsored the symposium. C. D. Litchfield, Rutgers University, and P[...]![]()
texto impreso
ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY | Cambridge [REINO UNIDO] : Royal Society of Chemistry | AMC Technical Brief | 2001Organoleptically, nutritionally and economically, the protein content of food is of paramount importance. The quantitative assessment of protein content, based on the determination of nitrogen concentration on a fat-free basis, permits the detec[...]![]()
texto impreso
Anionic, cationic, and monionic detergents in different buffering media were examined for their capacity to dissolve nitrogenous constituents in forage dry matter, in the interest of preparing fiber of a low nitrogen content. Of the combinations[...]