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Algae are commonly encountered in most surface water supplies. These organisms can affect water quality and challenge water treatment facilities. The new AWWA Manual M57, Algae: Source to Treatment includes detailed descriptions of hundreds of o[...]texto impreso
FIONA J. SCOTT, Editor científico ; HARVEY J. MARCHANT, Editor científico | Canberra [AUSTRALIA] : Australian Biological Resources Study | 2005This is a comprehensive guide to the protists that live in the surface waters and sea-ice south of the Antarctic Polar Front. More than 550 species are described and superbly illustrated with over 1300 light and electron micrographs and drawings[...]Article : texto impreso
Three years has elapsed since the first part of the Atlas was published (HOUK 2003). The original concept was to continue with the next group of taxa, the genus Cyclotella and genera separated from it, i.e. Puncticulata and Discostella. However,[...]documento electrónico
Las cianobacterias ó cianofíceas (algas azules), son microorganismos procariotes, aeróbicos y fotoautótrofos. La fotosíntesis es su principal modo de obtención de energía. Se encuentran entre los organismos más primitivos de la tierra; su origen[...]Article : documento electrónico
MIGUEZ CARAMES, DIANA, Autor |Dentro INNOTEC (No. 2, dic. 2007)La cuenca del río Uruguay está compartida entre tres países del MERCOSUR. Si bien la calidad de sus aguas es en general buena, los principales problemas se centran en el riesgo de generar condiciones eutróficas en algunos de sus tramos, por alta[...]Article : documento electrónico
MICAELA DE BON, Autor ; JOAQUÍN HURTADO, Autor ; PAULA ENCISO, Autor ; SIMONA ARMELI MINICANTE, Autor ; MARÍA FERNANDA CERDÁ BRESCIANO, Autor |En este trabajo se realizó la extracción en medio acuoso de ficoeritrina proveniente de algas rojas de la Isla Rey Jorge. Las especies que mostraron mejores rendimientos de extracción fueron Palmaria decipiens y Delesseria lancifolia.Esta ficoer[...]texto impreso
Article : documento electrónico
LUCILA GONZÁLEZ ETCHEBEHERE, Autor ; CARLA KRUK, Autor ; FABRIZIO SCARABINO, Autor ; MARTÍN LAPORTA, Autor ; MARÍA ZABALETA, Autor ; LETICIA GONZÁLEZ, Autor ; GABRIELA VÉLEZ-RUBIO, Autor |Las macroalgas son fundamentales para los ecosistemas marinos y son muy sensibles a los cambios ambientales (por ejemplo, temperatura, salinidad). La costa atlántica uruguaya es clave para la biogeografía regional de macroalgas, transición entre[...]texto impreso
KOMAREK, JIRI, Autor ; ANAGNOSTIDIS, KONSTANTINOS, Autor | Wiesbaden [ALEMANIA] : Springer Spektrum | Freshwater Flora of Central Europe | 2008Cyanoprokaryotes are probably the oldest organisms with plant metabolism. However, their cell structure and type of asexual reproduction prove their eubacterial origin. In spite of their existence from Precambrian onwards they have not lost thei[...]texto impreso
KOMAREK, JIRI, Autor ; ANAGNOSTIDIS, KONSTANTINOS, Autor | Wiesbaden [ALEMANIA] : Springer Spektrum | Freshwater Flora of Central Europe | 2008Cyanoprokaryotes are probably the oldest organisms with plant metabolism. In spite of their existence from the Precambrian onwards they still are able to colonize all possible biotopes, including extreme environments (thermal springs, rocks in h[...]texto impreso
KOMAREK, JIRI, Autor | Wiesbaden [ALEMANIA] : Springer Spektrum | Freshwater Flora of Central Europe | 2013Cyanoprokaryotes are probably the oldest organisms with oxygen generating photosynthesis. However, their cell structure and type of asexual reproduction prove their eubacterial origin. In spite of their existence from Precambrian onwards they ha[...]texto impreso
The main aim of Diatomeen im Süsswasser - Benthos von Mitteleuropa is to provide assistance for identification of taxa in applied hydrobiology, in particular water monitoring according to the implementation of EU Water Framework Directive. Diato[...]texto impreso
ZLATKO LEVKOV, Autor ; LANGE-BERTALOT, HORST, Editor científico | Ruggell [ALEMANIA] : A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. | Diatoms of Europe. Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats | 2009This volume presents the first part of a synopsis and revision of Amphora Ehrenberg ex Kützing sensu lato, and contains taxa that share dorsiventral valve asymmetry and in the past were considered as members of this genus. The synopsis includes [...]