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GASCON, M. J., Autor ; CARTER, A., Autor ; VERDU, E., Autor ; MALDONADO, F., Autor ; ALMELA, M., Autor |Composition of greasy leathers selected as particularly problematic for bonding.Determination of factors that influence negative the adhesion capability of these materials and alternative ways to modify these factors during manufacture of the le[...]texto impreso
Este documento constituye una síntesis de las memorias presentadas y de los debates que surgieron, y trata de establecer en que estado se encuentra actualmente los conocimientos del problema de las grasa y los aceites dietéticos en la nutrición [...]texto impreso
EQUIPO REGIONAL DE FOMENTO Y CAPACITACION EN LECHERIA PARA AMERICA LATINA, Autor | Roma [ITALIA] : FAO | 1981Volumen sobre "Postres y Helados" correspondiente a la primera parte del Modulo 4, "Leche fluida, postres y helados y productos concentrados", del curso de tecnología lechera.texto impreso
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CAPRA, GUSTAVO, Autor ; MARTINEZ, R., Autor ; FRADILETTI, FLORENCIA, Autor ; COZZANO, SONIA , Autor ; REPISO, LUIS, Autor ; MÁRQUEZ, ROSA, Autor ; F. IBÁÑEZ, Autor | 2013The aim of this study was to evaluate production performance, carcass characteristics and nutritive value of meat of rabbits reared under the 2 prevailing feeding strategies in Uruguay. One week after weaning, 96 purebred V line rabbits were ran[...]texto impreso
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BARCA, JOAQUIN, Autor ; CARRIQUIRY, MARIANA, Autor ; LAURA OLAZÁBAL, Autor ; FAJARDO, MAITE, Autor ; PABLO CHILIBROSTE, Autor ; MEIKLE, ANA, Autor | 2018Milk fatty acid (FA) profiles were determined in Holstein cows (n = 27) fed total mixed rations (TMR) ad libitum (G0) or diet composed by TMR (50% dry matter [DM] offered) plus grazing of pasture with 6 hr of access time to paddock in one sessio[...]texto impreso
FRANCISCO JAVIER TRUJILLO, Autor ; PEI CHING YEOW, Autor ; Q.TUAN PHAM, AutorThe moisture sorption isotherm (MSI) of lean beef and fat beef was experimentally determined. The experimental procedure used was that of the COST 90 project with some modifications to accelerate equilibration. The procedure was validated with t[...]texto impreso
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The global fats and oils industry has long relied on the analytical integrity of the Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the AOCS, 6th Edition. Maintaining the tradition, the 6th Edition includes over 400 analytical methods critical to[...]texto impreso
Since the 1920s, the global fats and oils industry has relied on the analytical integrity of the Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the AOCS. The AOCS has set the standard for analytical methods critical to processing, trading, utiliz[...]documento electrónico
MAGDI M. MOSSOBA, Autor ; JOHN K.G. KRAMER ; PIERLUIGI DELMONTE, Autor ; MARTÍN P. YURAWECZ, Autor ; JEANNE I. RADER, Autor | Champaign [REINO UNIDO] : AOCS | 2003This monograph describes the most common gas chromatographic and infrared spectroscopic official methods required for the determination of trans fatty acids for food labeling purposes. The authors review the current status and limitations of the[...]documento electrónico
La investigación llevada a cabo en esta tesis, ha tenido como objetivo la optimización de la formulación de un postre lácteo con bajo contenido en grasa (