
texto impreso
texto impreso
Biomass is an important contributor to the world economy. Agriculture and forest products industries provide food, feed, fiber, and a wide range of necessary products like shelter, packaging, clothing, and communications. However, biomass is als[...]![]()
Article : texto impreso
Fueron determinadas las propiedades de biomasa para caracterizar a las acacias negras jóvenes como fuentes de energía o materia prima fibrosa. El valor calorífico (4505 cal/ g) y el peso específico (0.55) del tallo y las ramas de acacia negra fu[...]![]()
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documento electrónico
MATÍAS CAGNO, Autor ; ANDREA CARDOSO, Autor | 2013La biomasa forestal se ha convertido en una componente clave de la matriz energética del país. Restos de cosechas forestales, leña, subproductos de aserraderos y carpinterías, además de subproductos de las industrias arrocera y azucarera, entre [...]![]()
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texto impreso
documento electrónico
Energy Management in Plastics Processing: Strategies, Targets, Techniques, and Tools, Third Edition, addresses energy benchmarking and site surveys, how to understand energy supplies and bills, and how to measure and manage energy usage and carb[...]![]()
texto impreso
Contiene métodos analíticos, información sobre salud y seguridad, solventes, almacenamiento y propiedades.![]()
texto impreso
texto impreso
texto impreso
texto impreso
Life on Earth depends on photosynthesis, which results in production of plant biomass having cellulose as the major component. The carbon cycle is closed primarily as a result of the action of cellulose-utilizing microorganisms present in soil a[...]