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Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (6)

texto impreso
DAMIR BRDJANOVIC, Autor ; SEBASTIAAN C. F. MEIJER, Autor ; CARLOS M. LÓPEZ-VÁZQUEZ, Autor ; CHRISTINE MARIA HOOIJMANS, Autor ; MARK VAN LOOSDRECHT, Autor | London [REINO UNIDO] : IWA | 2015In 1982 the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control (IAWPRC), as it was then called, established a Task Group on Mathematical Modelling for Design and Operation of Activated Sludge Processes. The aim of the Task Group w[...]![]()
documento electrónico
FLORENCIA ARÓN FRAGA, Autor ; GARCÍA, HECTOR, Autor ; CHRISTINE MARIA HOOIJMANS, Autor ; DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor ; DAMIR BRDJANOVIC, Autor | 2016Eutrophication episodes have been recently observed in the Santa Lucia river basin (SLRB) in Uruguay, the main drinking water source for approximately 60% of the Uruguayan population. The local environmental authorities have been strengthening t[...]![]()
texto impreso
MARK VAN LOOSDRECHT, Autor ; PER HALKJAER NIELSEN, Autor ; CARLOS M. LÓPEZ-VÁZQUEZ, Autor ; DAMIR BRDJANOVIC, Autor | London [REINO UNIDO] : IWA | 2016Experimental Methods in Wastewater Treatment forms part of the internet-based curriculum in wastewater treatment at UNESCO-IHE and, as such, may also be used together with video records of experimental methods performed and narrated by the autho[...]![]()
documento electrónico
MARÍA ALEJANDRA SZABO CORBACHO, Autor ; SANTIAGO PACHECO RUÍZ, Autor ; DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor ; CHRISTINE MARIA HOOIJMANS, Autor ; HÉCTOR A. GARCÍA, Autor ; DAMIR BRDJANOVIC, Autor ; JULES B. VAN LIER, Autor | 2021In this study, the impact of applied solids retention time (SRT) on the biological performance of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) treating synthetic dairy wastewater with high lipid content was assessed. Two side-stream AnMBR systems we[...]![]()
documento electrónico
MARÍA ALEJANDRA SZABO CORBACHO, Autor ; SANTIAGO PACHECO RUÍZ, Autor ; DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor ; CHRISTINE MARIA HOOIJMANS, Autor ; HÉCTOR A. GARCÍA, Autor ; DAMIR BRDJANOVIC, Autor ; JULES B. VAN LIER, Autor | 2022This study evaluated the effects of sludge retention time (SRT) on the membrane filtration performance of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) fed lipid-rich synthetic dairy wastewater. The membrane filtration performance was evaluated in tw[...]![]()
documento electrónico
MARÍA ALEJANDRA SZABO CORBACHO, Autor ; PRAGNYA SHARMA, Autor ; DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor ; VICTORIA DE LA SOVERA, Autor ; DAMIR BRDJANOVIC, Autor ; CLAUDIA ETCHEBEHERE, Autor ; HÉCTOR A. GARCÍA, Autor ; JULES B. VAN LIER, Autor | 2024The study investigated the effects of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) on anaerobic sludge treating lipid-rich wastewater. It involved batch experiments with three sludge samples: two acclimated to lipids and one non-acclimated. The experiments aim[...]