Título: | Characterization of gama linolenic acid in ribes seed |
Autores: | TRAITLER, HELMUT /et al/ |
Tipo de documento: | texto impreso |
ISBN/ISSN/DL: | 2389 |
Nota general: | ISBN: |
Langues: | Inglés |
Clasificación: | S (Separata) |
Resumen: | The total lipid content of fruit seeds of the Riber family ranges by weight from 18.3% in goose -berries (Ribes uva crispa) to 30.5% in black currants(Ribes nigrum). Isolation procedures and analytical methods (gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, high performance thin layer chromatography and stereospecific analysisi)demonstrate that the oil. This last Ribes species thus constitutes one of who seem unable to convert linoleic acid into subsequent EFA fractions. |
Nota de contenido: | En: Lipids 19 (2) 924-928 (1984) |