This key to aquatic insect orders is written in Lucid3.4, a powerful interactive key application available from the Centre for Biological Information Technology at the University of Queensland, Australia. Lucid3 consists of two separate applications, the Lucid3 Builder and the Lucid3 Player. The Builder is used to create and deploy interactive keys while the Player provides the user interface to access and use the key. The primary components of a Lucid3 key are a list of entities, a list of features and states, a matrix of scored data for the features and entities (not accessible in the Player), and attached media (images, photographs, html files, web pages, etc.) to provide additional information for the user. The Interactive Key to the Aquatic Insect Orders of North America consists of 3 separate Lucid3 keys, a key to adults, a key to nymphs and larvae, and a key to pupae and nymphs. This structure was adapted from the dichotomous key to orders published in the 3rd edition (1996) of Merritt and Cummins’, An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America and from the key to orders in Usinger (1956), The Aquatic Insects of California. These interactive keys are meant to complement the comprehensive keys to orders, families, and genera found in the new, 4th edition of An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America by Merritt, Cummins, and Berg published by Kendall/Hunt. Vist the Kendall/Hunt website for more information.