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DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor | 2014Los llamados disruptores endocrinos son sustancias químicas naturales o artificiales capaces de interferir, aún en las bajas dosis en que se encuentran en el ambiente, con la función normal del sistema endocrino de los seres vivos. Dicho sistema[...]documento electrónico
SALVADOR SCHELOTTO, Editor científico ; JOSÉ FREITAS, Editor científico ; HUGO GILMET, Editor científico ; JAVIER TAKS, Editor científico ; ÁLVARO SOBA, Editor científico | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente | 2015Atlas de la Cuenca del Río Santa Lucía: Un análisis desde el territorio La Dirección Nacional de Ordenamiento Territorial (DINOT) presenta el Informe territorial de la cuenca del Río Santa Lucía. Este documento, denominado “Atlas de la Cuenca”[...]documento electrónico
DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor ; MASSA, ENRIQUE, Autor ; VIERA, SANTIAGO, Autor ; PÉREZ, RAMIRO, Autor ; ELENA DARRÉ, Autor ; PIODA, CAROLINA, Autor ; KEEL, KAREN, Autor ; BOUVIER, MARIA E., Autor ; CARNIKIAN, AGUSTIN, Autor ; CARRARA, MARIA VICTORIA, Autor ; HUERTAS, RAQUEL, Autor ; MARTINEZ, MARIA JOSE, Autor | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | 2009Lead is a toxic heavy metal that can be deposited in bed sediments, usually associated to particulate matter of iron and manganese oxides. Thus, sediments become a route of exposure to Pb for aquatic organisms. Benthic organisms ingest and com[...]documento electrónico
DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor ; MASSA, ENRIQUE, Autor ; VIERA, SANTIAGO, Autor ; PÉREZ, RAMIRO, Autor ; ELENA DARRÉ, Autor ; PIODA, CAROLINA, Autor ; KEEL, KAREN, Autor ; BOUVIER, MARIA E., Autor ; CARNIKIAN, AGUSTIN, Autor ; CARRARA, MARIA VICTORIA, Autor ; HUERTAS, RAQUEL, Autor ; MARTINEZ, MARIA JOSE, Autor | 2012Bioassays of two sites along the Rio Negro in Uruguay indicate ecotoxicity, which could be attributable to trace concentrations of lead in river sediments. Monthly samples at two sites at Baygorria and Bonete locations were analyzed for both par[...]Article : documento electrónico
DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor |Dentro INNOTEC (No. 2, dic. 2007)La cuenca del río Uruguay está compartida entre tres países del MERCOSUR. Si bien la calidad de sus aguas es en general buena, los principales problemas se centran en el riesgo de generar condiciones eutróficas en algunos de sus tramos, por alta[...]documento electrónico
KEEL, KAREN, Autor ; DIANA MÍGUEZ CARAMÉS, Autor ; CARNIKIAN, AGUSTIN, Autor ; PARODI, ADRIANA, Autor | Montevideo [URUGUAY] : Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU) | 2010Los disruptores endócrinos (Endocrine Disruption Compounds - EDCs) son sustancias químicas, naturales o artificiales, exógenas al organismo que tienen la capacidad de alterar la homeostasis del sistema endocrino-reproductivo. Dentro de los mismo[...]Article : documento electrónico
FACUNDO LEPILLANCA, Autor ; GABRIELA MARTÍNEZ DE LA ESCALERA, Autor ; FACUNDO BORDET, Autor ; INÉS O'FARRELL, Autor ; PICCINI, CLAUDIA, Autor |En este trabajo se evaluó la dinámica y toxicidad de Microcystis spp. en el embalse de Salto Grande en invierno y verano de 2013, así como la diversidad genética de sus poblaciones tóxicas mediante análisis de melting de alta resolución de ampli[...]texto impreso
The main aim of Diatomeen im Süsswasser - Benthos von Mitteleuropa is to provide assistance for identification of taxa in applied hydrobiology, in particular water monitoring according to the implementation of EU Water Framework Directive. Diato[...]texto impreso
ZLATKO LEVKOV, Autor ; LANGE-BERTALOT, HORST, Editor científico | Ruggell [ALEMANIA] : A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. | Diatoms of Europe. Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats | 2009This volume presents the first part of a synopsis and revision of Amphora Ehrenberg ex Kützing sensu lato, and contains taxa that share dorsiventral valve asymmetry and in the past were considered as members of this genus. The synopsis includes [...]texto impreso
KURT KRAMMER, Autor ; LANGE-BERTALOT, HORST, Editor científico | Ruggell [ALEMANIA] : A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. | Diatoms of Europe. Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats | 2002Deals with the genus Cymbella sensu stricto of the temperate zone, with many remarks on taxa from the tropics and a large number of new taxa.texto impreso
KURT KRAMMER, Autor ; LANGE-BERTALOT, HORST, Editor científico | Ruggell [ALEMANIA] : A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. | Diatoms of Europe. Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats | 2003This volume forms the fourth part of the Cymbella synopsis, containing taxa and genera Cymbopleura of the temperate zone with many remarks on taxa from the tropics and a large number of new taxa.texto impreso
LANGE-BERTALOT, HORST, Autor ; LANGE-BERTALOT, HORST, Editor científico ; MALGORZATA BAK, Autor ; ANDRZEJ WITKOWSKI, Autor | Ruggell [ALEMANIA] : A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. | Diatoms of Europe. Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats | 2011Diatoms of Europe, Volume 6 discusses 419 taxa of the family Eunotiaceae, including synonyms. Eunotia belongs to the most prominent and species-richest diatom genera, and is rather homogenous compared to other large genera. Restriction to freshw[...]texto impreso
ZLATKO LEVKOV, Autor ; LANGE-BERTALOT, HORST, Editor científico ; METZELTIN, DITMAR, Autor ; ALEKSANDAR PAVLOV, Autor | Ruggell [ALEMANIA] : A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. | Diatoms of Europe. Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats | 2013This volume presents the synopsis and revision of Luticola D. Mann, and contains taxa that possess a single stigma, uniseriate striae, round to elliptical areolae and marginal channel along the valve face/mantle junction, internally occluded by [...]texto impreso
LANGE-BERTALOT, HORST, Autor ; LANGE-BERTALOT, HORST, Editor científico | Ruggell [ALEMANIA] : A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. | Diatoms of Europe. Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats | 2001As with Pinnularia (Vol. 1), this is a revision and synopsis of Navicula sensu stricto, another 10 genera previously included in Navicula sensu lato, and of Frustulia. The synopsis covers the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, with empha[...]texto impreso
KURT KRAMMER, Autor ; LANGE-BERTALOT, HORST, Editor científico | Ruggell [ALEMANIA] : A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. | Diatoms of Europe. Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats | 2000Revision and synopsis of the Pinnularia taxa of the temperate zone with some remarks to taxa from the tropics and a large number of new taxa. Covers 154 new species and varieties, 3 new genera and 42 new combinations.